Saturday, August 30, 2008


I have chosen to start a blog of my own. I have enjoyed many others and I thought it would be neat to start one of my own. I have always journaled many things in my life. Actually, I grow quite fond of reading my own thoughts and at times I even find going back over my own thoughts is sort of theraputic. Anywho, the Curious Birther..............?
Well this will be a journey written and logged regarding my ups and downs, my findings, my joys, my experiences, and my view of what birth is, whether that is through my personal giving birth, seeing birth as a Doula/Childbirth Educator, or other(s) experiences.

I hope in some way someone will find my blog enlightening, relatable, educational..........again this is my journey, personal and professional, if you don't like it................get a blog of your own :o)

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